The Quantum Side of Your Life by Miguel D'Addario

The Quantum Side of Your Life
by Miguel D'Addario
Translation: Bárbara Huergo
Publisher: Babelcube. Apple. B&N. KDP. Amazon. Scribd. Google Play. Kobo. El Corte Inglés

(Fragment of the book)

The Quantum side of your life
Quantum: Any full or limited amount that identifies, whether partially or totally, the state of a physic system, such as: an atom, an atomic nucleus, an elementary particle, etc. 

In any science, when the quantum reaches its smallest divisibility, that is when science is transformed into something mystical. The quantum is the part we do not see. Life just happens, and we are immersed in it; some of us never wondering about anything, attached to the social question of survival, to the debaucheries that causes harm, to objects, to routines that bury us even before we die. 
We are not born with a predestined path to follow, we must learn, discover; we do not have a map, not even a long-term contract, nor a fixed schedule. We only have examples, samples from nature, and life experiences. There are only three things we always carry that together lead the way to our inner evolution: Body, Emotions, and Thoughts. And the way we work with them will determine if we will be able to progress, to be born and die, or, on the contrary, to regress. 
First thing we need to do is seek to do what we like. If this is not accomplished, we will die without knowing the sense of our lives. 
Then, we should work on ourselves, discover, observe. Many will step in our way and will try to besiege us. But it is up to us if we decide to listen to them or ignore them. 
We must know life is not that simple, it is not that easy, for it requires wisdom and consciousness, on ourselves and on everything else, because today we exist, but tomorrow we won’t. We are fragile. 
Today humans’ goals are born from the achievement of things. Almost all human beings leave their lives for money, they work in unhealthy environments, putting their lives at risk, stressing out, leaving each and every one of their cells to reach their materialistic objectives. 
Materialism is their only goal, and in this way, a mesh of endless deceit, lies and betrayal is weaved for money. But, even though there are people who love others for the sake of achieving something, love and materialism are not incompatible, they are complementary; that is, the tangible and the intangible within the universe are born from the same source. 
The shaken mind does not accept the energetic as part of the vital process and sticks to the material. What keeps us alive, what keeps us within this universe, what keeps us awake every day, what inspires us, what makes us feel, think, speak and act is not materialism, or money, or things, or a house, or a car, or none of that. It’s the quantum side of life, of your life. 
We can state there are bridges between the tangible and the intangible. For example, thoughts are created in the brain through synapse, electric shocks produced by chemical processes in the body, but we do not know what thoughts are made of, because when we think we see projected images, but we don’t really know what they are made of. Science doesn’t know. 
Similarly, the pineal gland is a portal, a bridge between the tangible and the intangible. It must be experienced on your own, not through the facts or experiences of others. We must experience them ourselves. 
When we are limited by what we have learnt, we can’t see the wonder. Because we are in stand-by state, in pilot mode: we accept what we were told, we refuse to derail, to be ourselves. We depend on what others may think. 
If I asked a baboon what he lives for (and he could talk), he would say: “To have a baboon lover, little baboons, a place to live, eat, sleep and die in.” The same answer may humans would give me. 
Most people live in tiny spaces, their work, their homes, and their daily route. And they don’t get out of that perimeter, not even with their minds. 
Completely limited at the mercy of luck, hoping they will be rich, or some god will set them free. Thus, you need to separate your head from the social sphere and understand we were not born to be a “political or religious animal,” but rather to just be ourselves, discover ourselves, and be better that ourselves. 
For it is that sphere where everything else comes from: abundance, happiness, intelligence, light, transcendence, and magic.

Is the quantum tangible or intangible?
When we think in terms of our reality, we pay attention to what we think, to what happens inside our heads. In this way, we believe in what we see, what we touch, and what we can analyze and identify.
However, every tangible thing we can discover will arise from the intangible, from our thoughts. Nobody knows what matter they are made of, but they are born in the brain through electric processes and synapse.
These thoughts appear by themselves, no one can control them but through meditation, and they swell if we load them with emotions.
That why we live every day of our lives moving between the intangible and the tangible, in a way that depending on our intelligence, our material reality, and our conscious reality, we will be either in the tangible or the intangible.
We need to note that both areas, tangible and intangible, are quantum, because matter is made of atoms (energy) and what is not matter is also atomic. The difference is that each will vary its form and visibility according to the composition, disposition and distribution of their own molecules.

The revolutionary particle
The smallest part of something is called particle.
A particle thrown randomly to the air will have millions of possibilities of falling onto a specific point.
Let’s suppose we are backwards from this particle and we throw it. As we are not watching the particle, it can fall at any spot with the same infinite possibilities, that is, at any part of a limited space.
On the contrary, if we are facing such particle, it can only land at a specific spot. Therefore, our conscious observation, which corresponds to the tangible zone, will substitute the random quantum situation with a certain one.
Therefore, the particle, which can represent all matter in the universe, can –and in fact does- change its destiny, its shape, its objective. In a similar way, a conscious being observes and transforms, creates or modifies its behavior, from the intangibility. Thus, we can evolve our own consciousness through observing ourselves, applying our knowledge and comprehension.
That is why every personal reality is limited to each person’s self-observation, and from such and the environment we create our reality every day. 
This will also influence the neural network we have created, whereas if I believe in a god that makes everything happen, then I will be at his mercy.

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La división del mundo by Miguel D'Addario

La división del mundo
Del libro Relatos revulsivos

Que tiempos estos en los que los locos guían a los ciegos
William Shakespeare (El Rey Lear) 

En un tiempo no computado, el mundo se dividió en dos grupos de personas: Los educados y los no educados. 

Y esto sucedió a pesar de que ya no había motivos para la discriminación. El hombre ya comprendía que todos somos iguales, que no había razón para discriminar al prójimo, sea por el color de la piel, las ideas, la política o las clases socio-económicas. 

Sí. Todo esto ya había desaparecido. 
El hombre había evolucionado tanto que no era posible que hubiera diferencias de ninguna índole. 
Tampoco las discrepancias entre hombres y mujeres: mismos derechos, mismas obligaciones, y mismas oportunidades. 
Se puede aseverar que se trataba de un mundo ideal, un planeta feliz y armonioso. Donde todo era alegría y regocijo. 

Pero, es que el ADN humano seguía siendo humano. Y hete aquí que como no todos tenían las mismas profesiones, comenzó una escalada diferenciada. 
Había muchas profesiones y tantos oficios, y cada cual marcaba la diferencia, a pesar de que cada uno obtenía réditos económicos diferentes y el sistema social se encargaba de equilibrar que todos obtuvieran más o menos el mismo peculio. 
Pero aun así no había forma de arrancar de las entrañas genéticas del ser humano esa sutil diferencia que se manifestaba cada vez más en las relaciones diarias. Diferencia que fue in crescendo constantemente hasta alcanzar elevados picos de enfrentamientos entre la humanidad toda. 
Fue entonces que los educados en altos niveles universitarios crearon guetos y se aislaron del resto, e hicieron alianzas con las personas con titulaciones de grado, y de grados intermedios; también se unieron los titulados de educación secundaria, terciaria, superior, y los oficios de mayor empeño intelectual, como bancarios, abogados, ingenieros, técnicos superiores, políticos, oficios liberales y otros más. 
Y del otro lado estaban los no titulados en ninguna ciencia, los analfabetos funcionales, aquellos con estudios primarios, algunos graduados de instituto, varios oficios no especializados y ciertos empleados públicos. 
Posteriormente, hubo una batalla campal con armas caseras, palos, hachas, armas blancas y pequeñas pistolas; y luego de un tiempo de luchas sañudas vencieron los más educados. 

Prontamente, los más preparados se dieron cuenta que, sin los menos preparados a su merced, no serían capaces de sobrevivir; tuvieron que pensar alguna solución urgente. 

Y fue así como crearon las religiones, la televisión, el fútbol, el reggaetón, las dictaduras, los fast-foods, la sopa de verduras, los best-sellers, el populismo, la educación chatarra, la brutalidad y la ignorancia.

Hoy el mundo continúa ajeno a esta historia, dividido, -como señalé al inicio-, entre los educados y los no educados.   


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